Once you have set and defined your resources in your Bookeo Classes and Courses account, you can decide if you want to show them to your customers, and how your customers can select your staff and rooms when making a booking:
1. Go to Settings>Resources and click on the specific resource.
2. Tick the checkbox in the Show to customers section if you want your customers to see this resource when they book.
3. You can let Bookeo automatically select these resources, or you can let your customers select them when booking online (for personal lessons only).
a. Automatic selection by Bookeo
You can set how the resources of this resource type will be automatically selected by Bookeo when a booking is created. This option can be used if more than one resource can offer the same class.
b. Manual selection by customers
You can also allow customers to select the resource they prefer.
If this checkbox is ticked, customers will be able to select the resource.
If the option "first available" is ticked, customers will be able to select a resource or the "first available", meaning that Bookeo will show available times for all resources, not a specific one.
If the option "first available" is un-ticked, customers will be forced to select a resource.