When a customer pays for a booking using PayPal, Bookeo tracks the payment details as part of the booking.
To locate the payment details in your PayPal account follow these steps:
1. Open the booking in your Bookeo account.
2. Go to the Payments tab and click on the payment line
3. A window will pop up, showing the transaction ID/number
4. Copy that transaction ID
5. Go to your PayPal account
6. In the My Account>Overview page, click on View all my transactions
7. Click on Find a transaction
8. Paste the transaction ID in the Search field and select Transaction ID in the dropdown next to it.
9. Click on the Search button
If you cannot find the transaction in your PayPal account, please ensure that you are looking at the same PayPal account that is set up as your PayPal account in Bookeo (page Settings>Online payments)