It is not possible to integrate the widget into your website and show the two booking modes offered by Bookeo. In Settings>Theme and Layout>Page Layout, in the Booking mode section, you will have to select if you want to show:
upcoming availability of classes/tours with dates and times
classes/tours with a picture and description
However, you can integrate the Bookeo widget showing upcoming classes/tours in your website, like in our live demo
You can also create a page on your website, where you list your classes/tours with a description, picture, and include a BOOK NOW button for each class/tour. You can use direct links to classes/tours - you can find them in Marketing>Booking button and links - to redirect customers to the widget showing a class/tour as pre-selected. The page would be similar to the following page: This option would be very similar to the booking mode showing classes/tours with a picture and description.