With the booking mode showing an upcoming list of classes/activities, you can show the class/tour price on your booking page.
In this article:
- Show the price with the booking mode showing an upcoming list of classes/activities
- Pricing displaying on the booking page
Show the price with the booking mode showing an upcoming list of classes/activities
To show the price:
1. Go to Settings>Booking preferences
2. In the Show price section, you can select if you want to show the price always or only on the confirmation page [1]
3. To show the price also in the booking summary, check the box Show in booking summary [2]
4. To show the price on the booking page, check the box Show price in times list [3]
5. Save
Pricing displayed on the booking page
The price shown depends on the price set in the Price tab of the class/tour, in the Standard price [4] section:
1. if the price type is per person [5], then the price for 1 person [6] from the first people category displays
2. if the price type is a total price [7], then the total price [8] shows
3. if the price type is a base price plus a price per person [9], then the base price [10] shows