The Demo payment gateway lets you test payments as a customer and from your dashboard without integrating a payment gateway. You can use it to test how payment processing works, without actually charging any credit card.
To be used only on test booking sites. Not for live sites.
When using the Demo payment gateway, no money is actually transferred. No credit card is charged. However, amounts will be marked as paid. Credit card numbers are not actually stored.In this article:
- Enable the Demo payment gateway
- How the system shows payments made with the Demo payment gateway
- How to start processing live payments
Enable the Demo payment gateway
To enable the Demo payment gateway, log into your Bookeo account as the account owner:
1. Click on Settings>Online Payments
2. From the Payment gateway dropdown menu, select Demo gateway, just for testing[1]
3. Click on the Ok button
4. You will be prompted to input your Bookeo password to confirm the payment gateway integration. Input the password and click Ok.
How to test payments with the Demo payment gateway
When using the Demo payment gateway, you can test
- online payments as a customer from your booking page
- how to charge credit cards from your dashboard
- refunds
You should use the following test credit card number to test payments 4444 3333 2222 1111. You can use any 3 or 4-digit number as the Security Code and any future date as the card's expiration date.
How the system shows payments made with the Demo payment gateway
If you click on a payment to see its details, payment made with the Demo payment gateway will show Demo [2] as the Payment gateway, and Demo [3] next to the Transaction number/id.
How to start processing live payments
Once you've done testing, it's time to enable real payments before you start accepting bookings from customers!
Bookeo integrates with major payment gateways worldwide, so you can accept fully encrypted and secure online and POS payments.
When you are ready to start processing live payments, you can select the payment gateway you want to use and integrate it in Settings>Online payments.
Step-by-step instructions on how to integrate the chosen payment gateway provider can be found here.