If you already have a Sage Pay account, you can integrate it with Bookeo. If you do not have a Sage Pay account yet, you can sign up here.
In this article
- Integration with Sagepay
- Collection of customer's address
- Activating & adding 3d Secure rules in Sagepay
Integration with Sagepay Hosted
To use Sage Pay as your payment gateway, log into your Bookeo Account:
1. Go to Settings>Online Payments
2. From the Payment gateway scroll down menu, select Sage Pay.
3. Enter your:
- Sage Pay Vendor Name and
- SagePay Form Integration Encryption Password. To get your SagePay Form Integration Encryption Password:
- log into your Sagepay account as the main admin user
- Click on Settings [1]
- Click on Administrator [2]
- In the Password details section, copy the value for the Form Integration Encryption Password [3]. Click here for more information on the Form Integration Encryption Password.
4. Save. For security reasons, you will be required to input your Bookeo password.
Collection of customer's address
Sagepay requires that the customer's phone number and address (for Address Verification System, AVS) are sent to Sagepay before the payment is processed. Therefore, when you integrate Sagepay Hosted with Bookeo, the customer address, city, and postcode are automatically marked as required in Bookeo, in Settings>Customer details.
Activating & adding 3d Secure rules
You can add rules to your MySagePay account to automatically accept or reject transactions based upon the results of the 3D secure authentication. If the transaction does not meet the requirements of the rules that have been set, the transaction will be rejected and appear on your account as a failed transaction. Click here for more information.