You can use Square to process in-person and online payments. This article provides instructions on how to process in-person (swipe, dip, and tap) payments. |
Do you want to accept online payments with Square? Click here |
Square is one of the most popular mobile payments services. With the Square readers and Square Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android, you can simply swipe, dip, or tap credit cards, and the transaction is automatically recorded in Bookeo - without having to input card numbers manually.
Using the Square readers (Square Reader for contactless and chip and Square Reader for magstripe) or Square Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android – instead of entering a card number - reduces your exposure to chargebacks, since this is considered a "card present" transaction. This also means lower transaction fees for your business: processing fees for swipe, dip, and tap payments are lower than fees for keyed-in payments. You can charge payments via Bookeo using Square POS using any Android or iOS device connected to the Square Reader. You must be logged into your Bookeo account on that device to make the charge.
You can use Square POS together with any online payment gateway supported by Bookeo. For example, you can use Stripe or PayPal for online payments and Square POS for in-store payments. You do not need to use Square E-commerce for your online payments in order to use Square POS.
In this article:
- Getting ready to process POS payments with Square
- Set up the integration with Square POS
- Process Square POS payments with Bookeo
- Process refunds for payments made via Square POS
- Search for a booking payment or transaction ID in Square
Getting ready to process POS payments with Square
To process payments via Square POS, you will need:
- a Square account. If you do not have a Square account yet, please click here
- download the Square app on your mobile device. Click here to learn which devices are compatible with the Square Magstripe and Chip Card Readers, and which devices are compatible with Square Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android
- a Square magstripe or a Square contactless card reader, unless you want to use the Square Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android
Square contactless card reader |
Square magstripe card reader |
Set up the integration with Square POS
To process payments using the Square POS card reader, go to Settings>Online payments, and scroll down to the Square POS section.
If you have set Square E-commerce as your payment gateway for online payments
- tick the Enable [1] checkbox. Your Bookeo account will be linked to the Square account and location set for Square E-commerce.
- Click OK
- Input your Bookeo password for security
If you are not using Square E-commerce as your payment gateway for online payments
2. Select if you want to:
Create a new Square account
- Select I want to create a new Square account [2]
- A pop up window will open informing you that after signing up with Square, you will have to go back to this page to complete the integration. Click OK
- A new tab will open in your browser, with the Square sign up page. Complete the Square account set up
- Go back to your Bookeo account
- Select I already have a Square account [3]
- Click on the Connect [4] button
Connect an existing Square account
- Select I already have a Square account [3]
- Click on the Connect [4] button
You will then have to allow Bookeo to access your Square account:
3. A pop up window will open informing you that this will clear any credit card details currently stored, and asking if you are sure you want to continue
4. Click Ok
5. You will be asked to input your Bookeo password
6. Click Ok
7. You will be redirected to the Square Sign in page. Sign in with your username and password
8. You will be asked to allow Square to access some of your Bookeo's data
9. Click Allow [5]
10. The browser will go back to the Online Payments page of your Bookeo dashboard
11. Click OK
12. Input your Bookeo password for security.
Process Square POS payments with Bookeo
Make sure your Square POS app is installed and properly configured in your Android or iOS device, and that your Square reader is connected. Log into your Bookeo account on the same mobile device.
The Square POS reader is designed to only connect to iOS or Android devices. It cannot connect to Windows or Mac PCs or laptops. This is a restriction imposed by Square, for security reasons. Therefore, you must log into Bookeo and into the Square app on the same mobile device. It is not possible to log into Bookeo on a PC and use the Square app on a mobile device: a connection between an external PC and the reader would have card data travel in a non-certified environment. |
Please make sure that:
- the skip the Square receipt screen is enabled in the Square app in Settings>Checkout>Receipt. Click here for more information.
- the browser window where you log into Bookeo is not in private/incognito mode.
Process POS payments for an existing booking
1. Open the booking in your Bookeo account.2. Scroll down and click on the Square POS [6] button. By default, Bookeo will charge the Total due [7] amount of the booking.
3. A new tab will open showing the amount to charge via Square POS. Click GO [8] to confirm, Change [9] to go back to the Payment tab of the booking, and edit the amount or Cancel [10].
4. The Square POS interface will open in a new tab showing the amount to be charged.
Square POS on a mobile phone | Square POS on tablet |
5. Swipe or tap the customer credit card.
6. If the charge is approved, the browser will go back to the booking in Bookeo. Click Done
Process POS payments for a new booking
1. Create a booking in your Bookeo Calendar
2. Click on the Payments tab
3. From the Action dropdown menu, select Charge credit card (Square POS) [11].
4. The default amount to charge is the amount due now. You can charge a different amount, selecting it the From the Amount [12] dropdown menu
5. Input the Reason [13] for the charge
6. Click on the Square POS [14] button
7. A screen will show the amount to charge via Square POS. Click GO [15] to confirm or Cancel [16] to go back and edit the amount.
7. The Square POS interface will open in a new tab showing the amount to be charged.
Square POS on a mobile phone | Square POS on tablet |
8. Swipe or tap the customer credit card.
9. If the charge is approved, the browser will go back to the booking in Bookeo, showing that the payment made via Square POS is successful
10. Click Save
Process refunds for payments made via Square POS
To process refunds for payments made via Square POS:
1. Log into your Square dashboard and issue a refund. Click here for more information
2. Manually track the refund in Bookeo. Click here for more information
Search for a booking payment or transaction ID in Square
Search for a booking number
1. Log into your Square dashboard
2. Click on Sales [2], then on Transactions [3]
3. Select the date range [3]
4. Select Notes [4] and paste the booking number.
Search for a transaction ID
1. Log into your Square dashboard
2. Click on Sales [2], then on Transactions [3]
3. Select the date range [3]
4. Select Export [5], then Transactions CSV [6]. You can search for the transaction number in the CSV file.