Phishing is a type of security attack that tries to steal sensitive or private information by sending emails that pretend to be from legitimate or trusted senders, but are not.
To help protect your organization from phishing threats, each account user can configure anti-phishing settings for notifications sent by Bookeo by uploading a custom image that will show in all notification emails [1] sent by Bookeo.
To upload an anti-phishing image/illustration:
1. Click on the icon in the top right corner of your dashboard
2. Click on Your Security
3. In the Anti-phishing picture section, click on the Upload[2] button
4. Click on the Choose file button to select the image or illustration you want to upload
5. Click Upload
6. Click Save
Upload a unique image or illustration
Do not upload images or illustrations that can be easily guessed or linked to you or your company, for example, do not upload your company logo or social media profile picture. Upload a distinctive image or illustration that you have not shared with other people - for example on social media.How to use anti-phishing protection
Once you have uploaded your unique image, every notification email that Bookeo sends you about your account will include your image at the top right. This does not include generic emails like newsletters, feature announcements and so on, which are not specific to your account.
If you receive a notification email that seems to be from Bookeo but does not include your image:
- check if your email client is set to not show images unless you click on a button or similar. If so, enable images in your email client
- if no image is shown, it is likely that the email was not sent by Bookeo. Double check by verifying the "From" address - it should be "". If it is not, the email is definitely a phishing email
- do not click on any link in the email, or act on any of the information in the email
Emails sent to your customers or to other users do not contain your anti-phishing image. This keeps your image secret. For the same reason it is recommended that you do not forward your notification emails to other people.