You can add a new coupon codes list to your existing deal of the day promotion, for example, if new coupon codes have been sold and were not included in the list you uploaded int Bookeo when you created the promotion.
In this article:
Upload coupon codes from a file
1. Go to Marketing>Promotions
2. Click on the specific promotion.
3. In the Coupon codes section, click on the Manage [1] button. You see when your existing coupons have been used, and for which booking.
4. To import an additional list of coupon codes. Click on the Import [2] button.
5. If your coupon codes list includes:
- only NEW coupon codes, from the Add/Replace [3] scroll down menu, select Add to existing coupons
- NEW and OLD coupon codes, from the Add/Replace scroll down menu, select Replace existing coupons. If you Replace existing coupons, all booking data and promotion usage will be maintained.
6. Click on the Choose file [4] button to upload a .csv or .xls file containing coupon codes that Groupon, LivingSocial etc. will provide.
7. Enable the Allow duplicates [5] checkbox if you want customers to make more than one booking with the same coupon number
If you want to allow duplicates, you will have to upload the same coupon file for all the number of bookings allowed with the same coupon. For example, if customers can make 3 bookings with the same coupon number, you will have to upload the same coupon file 3 times.
8. Enable the Skip first row [6] checkbox if your file does not contain coupon codes in the first row.
Excel cells must be formatted as text.
1. In your Excel spreadsheet, select the column you want to format.
2. Right-click, and then click Format Cells.
3. On the Number tab, click Text.
4. Save
9. Tick the Expiration date [7] checkbox if you are uploading a file containing expiration dates in the second column (rolling expiry date promotion)
10. Click on the Upload button
Manually add coupon codes
1. Go to Marketing>Promotions
2. Click on the specific promotion.
3. In the Coupon codes section, click on the Manage [1] button.
4. Click on the New [8] button
5. In the Code [9] field, input the coupon code
6. From the Expiration date [10] scroll down menu, select if the code does not expire or set an expiry date.
7. Click Ok