Bookeo Classes and Courses lets you offer your customers personal lessons held in different locations, taught by different staff members.
If you want your customers to select the personal lesson they want, then the specific location when they make a booking, follow the instructions below.
In this article:
- Select staff and room for a personal lesson
- Create a drop-down list additional option for your locations
Select staff and room for a personal lesson
1. Go to Settings>Classes, Courses, Events
2. Click on your personal lessons.
3. Go to the Options tab
4. In the Choices section, click on a personal lesson
5. Go to the Resources tab. From the Resources [1] scroll down menu, select this choice is only available with the selected resources
6. Tick the Teachers [2] and Rooms [3] that can be used to offer the personal lesson
7. Save
Create a dropdown list additional option for your locations
1. Go to Settings>Classes, Courses, Events
2. Click on your personal lessons.
3. Go to the Options tab
4. Click on the New Option button to create an option for your locations.
5. In the Type section, from the Type [4] scroll down menu, select the customers picks one of the available choices
6. In the Title [5] field, input a text to be shown to your customers
7. Do not tick the With duration [6] checkbox and do not select a default choice from the Default [7] scroll down menu
8. In the Choices section, click on the New Choice button to create your first location option
9. In the General tab, input the name of your first location [8]
10. Go to the Resources tab and from the Resources scroll down menu, select this choice is only available with the selected resources
11. Tick the Teachers and Rooms that can be used to offer the personal lesson in this location
12. Save
13. Create your other locations and repeat the above steps.
14. If the location option should be shown only for some personal lessons, go to the Restrictions section. From the Restrictions [9] scroll down menu select this option is only enabled for the following service
15. Tick [10] the Personal lessons for which the location option should be enabled
16. Save