Bookeo integrates with Google Analytics, to enable tracking of every single page view all through the booking process. Google Analytics can even show you what your customers are doing in real time.
The following pages URLs are used by Bookeo for Google Analytics tracking:
/bookeo/widgetloader: intermediate (hidden) page that loads the widget content
- /bookeo/booking-type: page where the customer selects the type of tour, class, workshop
/bookeo/booking-typeofservice: page where the customer selects the type of service offered for private/personal /bookeo/booking-options: page where the customer input/selects values for available options in a booking
/bookeo/booking-resources: page where the customer selects resources for the booking (ex. therapist, teacher, room...)lessons/tours/services
/bookeo/booking-time: page where the customer selects time only (currently unused)
/bookeo/booking-timeslist: page where the customer selects the type of event (class, tour, workshop) AND the date time
/bookeo/booking-datetime: page where customer selects date and time
/bookeo/booking-options: page where the customer selects / fills-in additional options
/bookeo/booking-customer: page where the customer inputs his contact details during the booking process
/bookeo/booking-creditCardDetailsAsSecurity: page shown when Bookeo requests credit card details to confirm a booking
/bookeo/booking-confirm: checkout page where customer confirms the booking (and is prompted to pay, where applicable)
/bookeo/booking-confirmed: confirmation page shown after a booking (or gift voucher purchase) has been confirmed
/bookeo/booking-bookingCart: content of the booking cart
/bookeo/booking-reviewBookingInCart: page shown when customer reviews a booking's details for a booking that is in the current booking cart
/bookeo/booking-viral: page where customer is invited to use viral marketing
/bookeo/booking-viralSuccess: page shown after customer has successfully promoted the business via viral marketing action
/bookeo/booking-prepaidRequiredSignin: page shown when customer tries to make a booking for something that is only available with prepaid package, and is prompted to sign in
/bookeo/booking-prepaidRequiredPurchase: page shown when customer tries to make a booking for something that is only available with prepaid package, and customer is already signed in
/bookeo/booking-reviewBooking: page shown when a customer reviews a booking (clicks on the 'View booking' button in email)
/bookeo/booking-cancellationConfirmed: page shown after a customer has cancelled a booking
/bookeo/booking-redeemvoucher: entry page where customer input a gift voucher code to redeem
/bookeo/error-membershipExpired: page showing membership expired error
/bookeo/error-membershipRequired: page showing membership required (in order to make a booking) error
/bookeo/leaveReview: page where customers leaves a review
/bookeo/reviewCompleted: page shown after a review has been submitted