Bookeo lets you import existing customers from different applications
In this article:
- Import existing customers from different applications
- How can I import the customers file I generated?
- Can I import my customers' password?
- Can I import membership info?
- Can I add customer notes?
Import existing customers from different applications
1. Microsoft Outlook:
You can generate a .csv file in Microsoft Outlook:
- Microsoft Outlook 2010: click here for instructions
- Microsoft Outlook 2013: click here for instructions
2. Apple Address Book
You can generate a .vcf file from your Apple Address Book (OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion, or Address Book app in OS X Lion): click here for instructions
3. Spreadsheet
Bookeo lets you import existing clients from a spreadsheet. Click here to download a spreadsheet template you can use.
The first row of the spreadsheet must contain the field names (you can download an example spreadsheet at the bottom of this article). Allowed names are:
- Standard fields: First Name, Last Name, Home Phone, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Address 1, Address 2, City, Postcode, State, Country, E-Mail Address, Gender, Birth Date.
- Custom fields that must have been created in Settings>Customer details, in the Custom fields tab. The name in the spreadsheet must exactly match the name of the custom field you created in Bookeo. Click here for information on how to create Custom fields.
How can I import the customers file I generated?
1. Go to Customers
2. Click on the Import button
3. Select:
- Import from Microsoft Outlook, or
- Import from Apple Address Book and VCard, or
- Import from spreadsheet
4. Click on the OK button. Browse your file and upload it.
Can I import my customers' password?
Yes, you can import customers into Bookeo and include a password for each customer. Passwords should be listed under a column named Password in your spreadsheet.
If you want to keep a record of the customer's history, we recommend generating a report using your old system.
Can I import membership info?
You can import membership data using two extra columns in your spreadsheet:
1. Member:
- true or yes means that the customer is a member
- any other value means that the customer is not a member
2. Member until:
Input the date in the date format you set in Settings>Regional Settings, in the Date format field (for example DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YYYY). if empty, membership is forever.
Can I add customer notes?
If you want to add customer's notes:
1. Go to Customers
2. Click on the customers
3. In the Notes section, click on the Add New Note button. Type the note and click on the Ok button. These notes are for internal use only, and they will not be shown to the customer.