Account managers can easily cancel all the regular tours, classes, and events on a specific date, or part of that date from their Calendar by following the steps outlined below.
1. Go to your Calendar
2. Click on the Bulk [1] button. A pop-up window will open
3. From the Action [2] dropdown menu, select Cancel empty...
4. Select the Date [3] and Time [4] range during which you want to cancel. Any selected tour/class that starts during the time range selected will be canceled.
5. Select the tours/classes [5] you want to cancel by ticking the checkboxes next to them. You can click on the Check all [6] button to select all the tours/classes, or on the Uncheck all [7] button to deselect all the tours/classes
Account users' permissions, bookings, and blocked seats
- Account users' permissions: the operation will only cancel tours/classes for which the account user have "read/write" permission. Click here to learn more.
- Existing bookings: the operation will not cancel a tour/class if it contains bookings. If there are bookings for a tour/class, you can cancel that tour/class separately. Click here to learn more.
- Existing blocked seats: the operation will not cancel a tour/class if there are some blocked seats. You must delete the seat blocks before canceling tours/classes and events. Click here to learn more.
6. Click on the Ok button.
7. The system will display a warning message with the details of the tours/classes you want to delete, the date, and times.
8. To proceed with the bulk cancellation, click on the Yes proceed button.
Can't see the BULK button in the Calendar section of your dashboard?
If the BULK button does not show in your calendar, you should ensure that:- you are the account owner, an account manager or super-manager
- you have permission to cancel tours/classes and/or to edit quick blocks
To access these settings, navigate to >Users, in the Permissions - Special operations section of user profiles. Click here to learn more.