With Bookeo you can sell your tours and activities on Expedia.
In this article:
Enable the integration with Expedia
To integrate your Tours and Activities account with Expedia:
1. Go to Marketing > Distributions Channels in your Bookeo account
2. Click on Expedia
3. Tick the Enable Expedia Integration [1] checkbox
4. Tick the Reminders [2] check box if you want to let Bookeo send reminders for bookings created by Viator.
5. Tick the Thank you email [3] check box if you want to let Bookeo send a follow-up email for bookings created by Viator.
6. Click on OK
You can then download a PDF [4] containing the instructions you will need to provide to your Expedia representative to complete the integration.
Unconfirmed bookings
The purpose of the Expedia integration, as set by Expedia, is to show real-time availability to customers, and to provide real-time booking confirmations. When using the integration, it is not possible to have "pending requests" that you can accept or deny. Real-time bookings from Expedia are always confirmed immediately.
Additional options
Expedia does not support additional options. So if you have set up additional options to your tours in the Options tab, the additional options will not be offered to customers making a booking via Expedia.