The integration with Reserve with Google allows customers and prospects to view your availability and book directly from Google Search and Google Maps. You can learn more about how Reserve with Google works here.
Reserve with Google is currently available for selected industries:
- Wellness and fitness services
- Spa and beauty services
Tours & Activities
Reserve with Google no longer supports tours reservations. In 2022 Google has moved this function to a separate product called "Things To Do". Learn more.
In this article:
Enable the integration with Reserve with Google
To use the Reserve with Google integration, your business must be listed on Google Business Profile. If needed, you can add or claim your Business Profile on Google.
Merchants, services and countries eligibility criteria
Only specific merchants, services and countries are eligible to use Reserve with Google. Click here to learn more.If you are not eligible to use Reserve with Google, consider adding a booking link/button in your Google Business Profile listing, that would redirect customers to your Bookeo booking page to book an appointment. Click here to learn more.
To enable the Reserve with Google integration:
1. In your Bookeo account, go to Marketing>Distribution channels
2. Click on Reserve with Google
3. Tick the Enable checkbox
4. From the Google merchant category dropdown menu, select your business category
5. From the Staff dropdown menu, select if you want to show the name of your staff as part of your availability
6. In the Changes section, tick the I agree checkbox to confirm that you understand that any changes you make to your settings, prices, cancellation policies etc. may take up to 48 hours to be reflected in Reserve with Google.
7. In the Business details section, make sure the contact details shown exactly match the details in your Google listing, otherwise, the integration will be rejected.
8. Click the OK button.
If you use a payment gateway supported by Reserve with Google, on the Google checkout page customers will be required to pay online the full price of the booking. The only payment gateway supported by Reserve with Google and Bookeo is Stripe.
If you use a different payment gateway, Reserve with Google will not be able to collect payments from customers, and the booking will be confirmed without payment. However, you can manually send a payment request after receiving the booking from your Bookeo dashboard.
It is Google policy that if a full refund is due when a customer cancels a booking via the Google interface, the refund will be issued automatically. You can change your cancellation policy to disable full refunds.
Special prices
Reserve with Google does not support different prices based on time or date. Therefore any special prices based on time or date will not be considered when calculating the price of bookings made via Reserve with Google. The default price will be used instead.