Bookeo lets you create a new price list for your services - for example if you want to increase your prices from a specific date, such as January 1st, 2020, without affecting existing bookings. Let's say that the old price was $80 and the new price from January 1st, 2020 is $100.
In this article:
How to change standard pricing
If you have set a standard pricing for your services:
Step 1 - Set up a pricing season
1. Go to Settings>Pricing Season
2. Create a new pricing season. You may want to call it January 1 2017 to December 31 2019 or similar. Set it to be from a date in the past, for example, January 1, 2017, to the last date you wish to offer the old price, for example, December 31, 2019.
Step 2 - Set up special prices for the old (current) price
1. Depending on the account type you are using:
- In Bookeo Appointments: Go to Settings>Services offered and additional options. Click on a service
- In Bookeo Classes and Courses: Go to Settings>Classes, courses, events. Click on a class
- In Bookeo Tours and Activities: Go to Settings>Tours/activities Click on a tour/activity
For additional options, click on the option, and go to the Price tab.
2. Click the Price tab of the class/tour/service
3. In the Special prices section, click on the New special price [2] button. Define a special price that is the old (current) price, and only applies in the pricing season you created (in our example, January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 and the price is $80).
If you only want to apply the new price to bookings made after a specific date, regardless of the date booked, for example, if you want to increase prices for bookings made online or created by the users of your account after December 31, 2019, you will have to set the special price as follows:
In the Pricing season section, set:
- if the date when the booking is created is during [3] select the pricing season you created
- if the date booked is during [4]: anytime
4. Set the Price in this window to the old (current) price (in our example, $80)
5. Save
Step 3 - Set up the new price as the standard price
In the Standard Price section [1], change your default prices to the new prices (in our example, $100)
In this way bookings whose date is in the pricing season you created (in our example, January 1 2017 to December 31 2019) will use the old (current) price (in our example, $80).
Specific Gift vouchers
Specific Gift vouchers are based on the item booked. Even if the price of the item changes, the gift voucher can still be used to book the item without paying any extra fee.How to change special pricing
If you would also like to change an additional special price, for example, if - in addition to a standard price - you currently have a special price of $18 for 2 adults, and with the new pricing, you will have a special price of $20 for 2 adults.
Once you have followed the steps above to create a new default price, you will need to do similar steps to create a new special price for 2 people.
Step 1 - Set that the current special price applies to bookings made before a specific pricing season
1. Depending on the account type you are using:
- In Bookeo Appointments: Go to Settings>Services offered and additional options. Click on a service
- In Bookeo Classes and Courses: Go to Settings>Classes, courses, events. Click on a class
- In Bookeo Tours and Activities: Go to Settings>Tours/activities Click on a tour/activity
2. Click the Price tab of the class/tour/service
3. Click a current special price
4. From the Pricing season section, set:
- if the date when the booking is created is during [5] select the pricing season you created (in our example, January 1 2017 to December 31, 2019)
- if the date booked is during [6]: anytime
5. Save the changes
Step 2 - Create a new special price
1. In the Special prices section, click on the New special price [2] button.
2. Define the new special price for 2 people.
3. From the Pricing season section, set:
- if the date when the booking is created is during [5] select not during a specific season
- if the date booked is during [6]: anytime
4. Save