You can create different tax rates in Bookeo: taxes included/not included in prices, compound taxes, fixed taxes, percent taxes, and per-person taxes in Settings>Taxes.
To give you maximum flexibility, you can also set what taxes apply to every service/workshop, class/course/event, tour/activity you offer, and to every single additional option. You can also set what taxes apply to your prepaid packages and memberships.
You can create the taxes detailed below:
Tax | Description |
Tax included in prices | As in price of $100 including Sales Tax @ 10%. Click here for more information. |
Tax not included in prices | As in price of $100 + Sales Tax @ 10%. Click here for more information. |
Compound (Stacked) Tax | A special tax calculated after and on top of a primary tax. For example, Compound (stacked) Tax @ 7% charged on the selling price of $100+ Sales Tax @ 5%. Click here for more information. |
Fixed Tax | Usually, a tax calculated on top of a booking. For example a $3.50 administrative fee on a booking. Click here for more information. |
Per person Tax | Usually, a tax calculated per person. It can be a fixed tax or a percent tax. For example, a fixed National Park admission fee @ $20 per person. Click here for more information. |
Taxes vs Booking fees
You can define a tax as a Government tax which is normally used for regular sales tax, state tax, or other taxes required by the government in your area. You can also define a tax as a Booking Fee which is normally used for transaction fees, entry fees, or any other fees you want to charge on your services.
Taxes & Xero
Defining the tax allows you to correctly track it when syncing with Xero to ensure the accuracy of tax reconciliation. A tax set as a Government tax will show as a normal tax in Xero. A tax set as a Booking Fee will show as an additional line item in Xero.