To set up a workshop in your Bookeo Appointments account:
1. Go to Settings>Workshops
2. Click on the button New and select if you would like to create a Workshop, held periodically with a fixed schedule or a Special event, held only on particular dates. You will complete a quick set up wizard, and will be able to define more details later.
Set name, description and sections
Input the Name of the workshop and a Description. You can also create information sections (such as "What to bring", "Our teaching" and so on).
Create a schedule for the workshop
You can offer:
- workshops with a fixed weekly schedule, for example, a workshop held at 9AM and 2PM every Saturday, with 10 seats available
- special events held on specific days only, for example, a special retreat held on June 10th and October 15th
1. Workshops with a fixed weekly schedule
In the Schedule section, click on the green + icon to create a workshop for each day of the week.
Select start time, resource, and the number of seats (max. number of people allowed per workshop).
The workshop can have different start times and seats for every single schedule.
Select the duration of the workshop
2. Special events held only on specific days
In the Schedule section, click on the New button to create a date for the event/class, and input date, start time and number of seats. The event/class can have different start time and seats for each schedule.
Repeat to input all the dates when this workshop is available and a summary will be shown in a table.
Select the duration of the special event
Set the workshop price
In the Standard price section you can input a specific price for the people categories you created.
You will also be able to set:
- special prices for members
- special prices: during pricing seasons, days/time of the week, number of people, group/family discounts.
Payment and deposit
Select if you want to collect online payments of the full amount, deposits, collect credit card number...
You can set:
- cancelation fees later
- if you want to allow customers to choose to pay at the time of booking or later
Images and videos
Upload an image to represent the workshop to your customers. You will be able to upload a gallery of images and videos after finishing the setup wizard.