You can simply copy an existing tour/class/workshop, then quickly change some of its settings to create a new tour/class/workshop, with a different name.
Here’s what you can duplicate depending on the account type you are using:
- Bookeo Appointments: workshops
- Bookeo Classes and courses: classes, courses, events, personal lessons
- Bookeo Tours and Activities: regular tours, special tours, open schedule tours
How to duplicate a tour/class/workshop
1. Depending on the account type you are using:
- In Bookeo Appointments, go to Settings>workshops
- in Bookeo Classes and Courses, go to Settings>Classes, courses, events
- in Bookeo Tours and Activities, go to Settings>Tours/activities
2. Click the Copy button [1].
3. Then use the dropdown arrow [2] to select the item that you want to duplicate.
4. Click Ok. Bookeo will duplicate all the item settings for you. You can edit any settings that will be different for the new item.
5. Save
When you copy an item:
all settings are copied, including videos, images, additional options
only current and future schedules are copied (not old ones)
if virtual rostering is enabled for the tour/class/workshop you are copying, the same resources will be assigned to the new item, and Virtual Rostering will be enabled. If virtual rostering is not enabled for the tour/class/workshop you are copying, Bookeo will not assign resources to the schedule – resources will be set to “to be determined”.