Regular options apply to the specific workshop/class/tour for which they were set up, and to all or selected services (in a Bookeo Appointments account). For example, you can set up regular options to offer merchandise, options, add-ons, or questions for a specific workshop/class/tour.
In this article:
Set up regular options
Select the Bookeo product you are using from the list below to find out more.
Bookeo Appointments
In this section:
Regular options for services
To set up regular options for services:
1. Go to Settings>Services offered and additional options
2. Click on the Additional Options tab
3. Click on the New option button, and select regular option
When you set up a new service in Settings>Services offered and additional options, in the Restrictions section of the option, you can select to which services the option is applicable. Click here to learn more.
Regular options for workshops
To set up regular options for workshops:
1. Go to Settings>Workshops
2. Go to the Options tab
3. Click on the New option button, and select regular option
If you duplicate a workshop, regular options that apply to the source workshop will automatically apply to the duplicate workshop.
Bookeo Classes and Courses
You can set up regular options that apply to a specific class:
- Go to Settings>Classes, courses, events
- Go to the Options tab
- Click on the New option button, and select regular option
If you duplicate a class, regular options that apply to the source class will automatically apply to the duplicate class.
Bookeo Tours and Activities
You can set up regular options that apply to a specific tour:
- Go to Settings>Tours and Activities
- Go to the Options tab
- Click on the New option button, and select regular option
If you duplicate a tour, regular options that apply to the source tour will automatically apply to the duplicate tour.
Disable regular options
If you no longer offer a regular option, you can disable it in the Permissions section of the option, so it will no longer show for new bookings. Click here to learn more.