A regular tour with a fixed weekly schedule, for example, a tour held every Monday and Thursday at 9 am and 2 pm, can be set up in Bookeo as a "Tour".
1. Go to Settings>Tours/Activities
2. Click on the Tours/Activities button, then on the New button on the right side of the page and choose Regular tour/activity. You will complete a quick set up wizard and will be able to define more details later.
3. Input the Name [1] of the tour and a description. If you have already created categories, from the Category [2] scroll down menu, select the category this tour belongs to.
4. Input a Description [3] of the tour. You can also create New information sections [4] (such as "What to bring", "More info" and so on).
5. In the Schedule section, click on the green + icon [5] to create a tour for each day of the week, and select start time and the number of seats. The tour can have different start times and seats for each single time slot.
6. Select the Duration [6] of the tour from the scroll down menu, or input a duration if it is not in the list.
7. Tick the Private checkbox if you want to accept only one booking per time slot, regardless of the number of participants.
8. In the Standard price section, set the tour price. If you offer special prices for members, you can tick the Enable member prices checkbox to set special prices for members.
When you finish the set up wizard, you will also be able to:
9. From the online payment scroll down menu, select your preferred online payment option (payment of the full amount, deposit, collect credit card number...)
When you finish the setup wizard, you will also be able to set:
10. In the Image section, click on the Upload button to upload an image for your tour. When you finish the set up wizard, you will also be able to upload a gallery of Images and videos.
11. Save